1.5 GB | DVD5 | 720x480 | 0 min
With an encyclopedic knowledge of fusion techniques, absolute killer chops and creativity in abundance, Matt Sickels has created 20 'Sick Licks' complete with Video/Audio/TAB/Backings for you to master, that will both challenge and amaze you! What a kick-ass way to welcome Matt to the JTC roster!
Matt certainly hit the ground running here! These licks have everything you need to gain a solid grounding in the style and techniques behind modern fusion guitar playing. Whether you are new to the genre or a seasoned pro you'll have a huge amount of inspirational guitar ideas to study!
We weren't lying when we said 'encyclopedic', check out just a few of the things you'll find in this package: bluesy diminished ideas, augmented arpeggios, chromatics, octaves, outside playing, chordal ideas, tritone substitutions, parallel 4ths, wider intervals, superimposing arpeggios and pedal tones. For scales you'll be using pentatonic, blues, mixolydian, half/whole diminished, melodic minor and lydian dominant just to name a handful!
For those of you looking at this package for the fusion techniques you'll find lots of hybrid picking, multiple types of bending, tapping, alternate/economy/sweep picking, pull offs, hammer ons, slides, vibrato and more!
These licks definitely take a creative approach to 'following the changes' with a heavy use of arpeggios, so expect to be playing around the chords a lot while slipping in spicy ideas every now and again to keep the listener guessing! In true 'fusion' style you'll be using elements of blues, rock, jazz, bebop and funk to learn and master these licks! So hit that download button and get ready to take your fusion playing to the next level!
As ever, we have included everything you need to practise and perfect the material in this package. There are video and audio tracks for you to watch/listen and study, accurately transcribed TAB/notation for you to analyse and master, and backing tracks for everything! We've even included some text notes to help you really get these parts down!
Download part 1
Download part 2
Download part 3
Download part 4
Download part 5